Clay Weber of rural Ashmore was chosen as the Coles County SWCD’s Conservation Farmer of the Year for 2023. As an SWCD participating farmer for the last several years, Clay has implemented soil and water conservation practices like grassed waterways, field borders, and has been experimenting with cover crops. More recently he has been involved in numerous programs through the district and partner agencies to increase his conservation efforts with new practices, particularly in his cattle operation. Clay began farming full time just a few years ago. We love to see folks hit the ground running with conservation!
The object of this award is to provide recognition to an outstanding conservationist in the Coles County Soil and Water Conservation District that exemplifies Total Resource Management. Recipients are selected based on their use of best management practices, implementation of new and innovative technologies, demonstrations of commitment to conservation and stewardship, participation in educational programs and community involvement, and leadership in community, government, and nonprofit or grassroots groups to further their work.