Rick and Connie Goble of Hutton township were chosen as the Coles County SWCD’s Conservationists of the Year for 2024. You may know the Gobles from the Charleston Farmers Market where they’ve been vendors for many years, or from their bountiful farm stand on Rt. 130 near Fox Ridge State Park. Recently, the Gobles have participated in programs through the district and partner agencies to increase their conservation efforts, particularly related to specialty crop production. In addition to constructing a ‘high tunnel’ to help extend the growing season, they’re using cover crops and crop rotation to improve soil health. The Gobles aren’t new to conservation though. They’ve been implementing conservation practices for years, and a large portion of their farm in rural Hutton township is managed as native habitat for wildlife and pollinators. For the last few years, the Gobles have been utilizing prescribed burning to maintain their grassland habitats, a management practice that Rick is particularly familiar with since he used to conduct prescribed burns for IDNR before he retired. Please join us in congratulating the Gobles for their much-deserved recognition as the Coles County SWCD’s 2024 Conservationists of the Year!

The object of this award is to provide recognition to an outstanding conservationist in the Coles County Soil and Water Conservation District that exemplifies Total Resource Management. Recipients are selected based on their use of best management practices, implementation of new and innovative technologies, demonstrations of commitment to conservation and stewardship, participation in educational programs and community involvement, and leadership in community, government, and nonprofit or grassroots groups to further their work.