Hello, My name is Misti Neal Lewis, I live in Charleston with my husband Raymond and daughter Megan. I would like to introduce myself as the new Agriculture in the Classroom Coordinator for Coles County. I am a graduate of Lake Land College and Eastern Illinois University with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education. I have worked in social services, mainly focused on grant work, my entire career. I am excited to start this new chapter in my profession.
I started in April as the Administrative and Education Coordinator for the Coles County SWCD. I am looking forward to working with teachers throughout the county to help bring agriculture into the classrooms with fun and educational programs that will be themed based on the month and time of year we are currently in. I am open to any ideas or questions that anyone from the general public or educational fields may have! Please feel free to reach out to me via e-mail or at the SWCD office!
Misti Neal Lewis– Education Coordinator
info@colescountyswcd.org, (217)345-3901 ext. 3