6021 Development Drive, Suite 2, Charleston, IL 61920 info@colescountyswcd.org 217-345-3901 ext. 3

Sponsors Sought for Third Grade Arbor Day Program

Although it may not feel like spring outside, we are anticipating warmer weather and that means gearing up to teach Coles County’s third graders all about trees this Arbor Day! Every third grade classroom that we visit will be presented with the history of Arbor Day, a discussion of the importance of trees, and each student will take home their very own white pine seedling.

The SWCD is seeking donations to help provide the students with their trees. Each tree costs about $3 and we would like every third grader in Coles County to receive a tree. Will you help us meet our goal of placing a tree in each student’s hand? Here’s an example of the impact of your gift.

-$75 will purchase trees for one classroom
-$450 will purchase trees for one school
-$1400 will purchase trees for all Coles County 3rd graders

Please mail donations to Coles County SWCD, 6021 Development Drive Suite 2, Charleston, IL 61920.