Are you an amateur photographer? The Coles County SWCD is sponsoring a conservation photo contest. In addition to the chance to win at the local level, photos will be entered in the statewide Association of Illinois Soil & Water Conservation District Auxiliary Photo Contest. Winners at the state level will then be submitted to the National Association of Conservation Districts photo contest. Complete rules and entry forms are available below, or by contacting the office at (217) 345-3901 ext. 3 or by email at
Purpose: The purpose of this contest is to recognize individuals whose pictures are worth more than words.
Eligibility: To be considered for this contest, the nominee should be an amateur photographer (who makes less than 50% of their income from photography) and Coles County resident.
Photos must fit in one of the following categories:
Conservation Practices: Photos of conservation practices that have been applied to the land to ensure conservation of our natural resources. Includes 26 conservation practices: contour buffer strips, contour farming & strip cropping, cover crop, critical area planting, crop residue management, crop rotation, diversion, field borders, grade stabilization structures, grass waterways, livestock management, manure storage and runoff control, nutrient management, pasture planting, pest management, riparian buffer, rotational grazing, stream bank & shoreline stabilization, terrace, tree planting, upland wildlife habitat, water and sediment control basin, well abandonment, wetland restoration, wildlife food plot, windbreaks, and woodlot management.
Close up Conservation: Close-ups of aquatic insects, clean water, crops and plants and water/rain, dirty water/sediment, hands/tools in soil-water-grains-on farm animals, irrigation, plants and soil/residue, plants/flowers/crops, recycling, prairie plants, compost, farm implements, water drops/drips/splashes, and worm/roots/compost.
Conservation in Action: Action shots of SWCDs in action: youth programs, conservation planning, application of conservation practices, conservation related exhibits, office staff at work, interaction with landowners, field days, fairs, exhibits, board meetings and more, irrigation/crops and water/wildflowers and water, technical staff at work, wildlife, insects, livestock, aquatic life.
Ag/Conservation Across America: Agriculture themed photos such as barns, farming practices, fence rows, livestock, implements and tools, ponds, ranching, youth, tree farm, farmers/landowners, grazing and pastures, etc.
Youth Only: Photos in any of the above categories, taken by youth up to age 18 years.