Nitrate levels have been rising in Illinois’ drinking water. Shallow rural wells are particularly vulnerable to nitrate contamination. Nationally, 20% of these wells have exceeded the level considered safe by the U.S. EPA. Public water utilities are required to test their water for nitrates, but if you own your well it is up to you to make sure it is safe.
10-Contaminant Test Kits
Finding high levels of nitrate in your water is an indicator that your well may be receiving surface water and is more likely to be contaminated with other chemicals. The Coles County SWCD sells well water test kits that test for 10 contaminates for only $30.
Abandoned Well Sealing
Abandoned wells pose a threat to public health since they provide a direct pathway for contaminants to enter groundwater. Groundwater is a source of drinking water for thousands of people in the area, so protecting it is a priority.
The Coles County SWCD accepts applications for financial assistance to help offset the cost of having a well sealed whenever funds are available. Contact our office at 217-345-3901 ext. 3. All residents within the Coles County Soil and Water Conservation District who have a well that is no longer in use on their property are eligible to apply.